Monday 8 December 2014

Life is TOO Short to Waste in Wars and Hatred for Other Human Beings!

We are living in a world that is full of enlightenment and chaos at the same time. It does not matter to which ideology or thought process w belong. But a sensitive person can always smell the negative things around in the world. Media is all full of provocations and sensationalism, and at the same item the bigger countries are conspiring to reach out to the natural wealth or resources at the name of “Terrorism or Peace in the World”!

I am still confused with the word “Terrorism” as what is the real definition of it? If a criminal takes out a gun and shoot it at civilians then it is called an act of terrorism, and especially if it is done from a member of certain communities. But what about the State Terrorism and the facts that a country Like Unite Sates of America along with NATO Allies attack on Iraq at the so called name of finding the weapons of mass destruction!

The real facts of Reality come quite later from some independent sources that no Chemical Weapons or Nuclear Assets were found. But the matter of fact is that a whole nation is massacred and tortured, and the established state is demolished and destroyed. Same thing happened in Libya that looks like a place from a “Medieval Ages” after all chaos and civil war to change regime. How can we forget the Afghanistan War that is so prolonged and yet nothing fruitful comes out, and only the matter that some beneficiaries are getting “minerals and opium” in large quantities from there.

This is called the irony that the whole world is seeing and very few people denounce it and talk against it. Nobody bother to talk about the tortures of and Abu Gharib Jail or Guantanamo but the one or two people in a blast in some developed country are much highlighted. I want to ask one simple question as why there is so much hatred and indifference to Human Beings like us.

Is it only due to the fact that they are from another religious belief system or due to the fact that a barbaric psych still provokes us to take pleasure out of pains of others. The Sadism is no more wiped out but in fact too much highlighted as we are seeing too many wars even after seeing the mass destruction of World War I and World War II.  Being a normal person and with common approach I can see that WARS and Hatred has only risen to an infinite level and we haven’t see anything positive out of worldwide organizations like United Nations, and other philanthropy organizations as well. 

So it is a time to ponder over the facts that wars and terrorism is not going to be solution, and it will only generate more Human Indifference and Negative Vibes. So we have to stop all these war games that are created to sell weapons or to get a control over the “Natural Resources of Weaker and Smaller Countries”. It is a Global Crime and we need to raise our voices to end it up, and to spread the message of “Love and Peace” all around. Hope you agree with what I wanted to say with a great feeling of self-guilt of being a non-vocal person on such Global Issues!

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