Tuesday 25 November 2014

I LOVE YOU – The Most Misused Phrase in the Whole World!!

Love and Hope

I am going to share my own perceptions with you and you have every right to disagree with me. How many times, you have used the phrase “I Love You” to someone. Did you really mean it or just spoke it out of a word on mouth as a common phenomenon. I am not saying that people say it without emotions. But it is overused and without really understanding when and where it has to be used!

I have seen people in love but they don’t repeat the words as their SOULS are liked, and they can perceive what other one is thinking about them. We say “I Love You” to our beloved, wife, husband, mother, father, kids, friends, colleagues. I have seen so many high profile award functions like Oscars, BAFTA and Emmy Awards. Stars say it loud to each other and to the audiences!

Do all these words have some SOUL, and those who speak it out really know how powerful words these are? It requires a personal strength and a firm character to stand for a word that comes out of anyone’s mind. So my notion is to use words with cautions, and not to go out for words. Some people are so Sensitive and Thirsty for Real LOVE. They take your friendly gesture of using word “LOVE” as real and build a whole story around. 

You might not be able to do justice and even think about their emotions. They might get lost in imagination and it gives then Hope to live in another Island of Dreams. So the breakdown of emotions and love is destructive and really painful, and creates not only isolation form Human Beings but even can cause lots of Mental Disorders!

So I am saying all this as a defendant of those sensitive people in the world. Don’t say word which mean nothing to you, and only a gesture to show timely affection or to show a reward. There are so many other words for appreciation, and I believe all Developed Languages have words to express Gratitude, Affection and Admiration in other Words. But the meaning of word LOVE remains the same in each Language. So use it with great caution, and where you really mean it. Stay Blessed YOU All!

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