Sunday 30 November 2014

Prince of My Own Dreams!!

Prince with Dreams to Save Humanity

I feel it is oversensitive nature of me that makes me look into details of all the issues that Present Issues of Humanity. People around the globe are facing so many critical situations like War, Hunger, Poverty, Crimes, Genocide, Social and Economic Injustices, Emotional Distance, Psychological Problems. I feel it is too selfish of me to go on for some luxuries when more than half of world’s population is seriously facing below average standards of living.

I feel like a Man who is looking for a Utopian World, and then I want to see everything in perfect order for everyone. I want to see PEACE and Love all around but I know it is not possible. There is so much of selfishness and greater levels of Politics that a small community of Ruling Elites do not want to see everything going in a great way. 

If there is no CHAOS and Peace Disorder then there will be no use of Weapons and Warfare. So there will be no need to keep so much people in armed forces, and the supply of weapons and rest of things won’t be necessary. It means that few Financial Giants will lose a lot of Money that they gain from selling everyday Gadgets, Luxurious Items and then the whole world will be independent from the Economic System. The Interest will no more be required and Taxes will be reduced to zero level.

It means that the Ideal World might not be there and some far-fetched dreams may not be fulfilled. But it is possible to see some of my DREAMS and those of my like-minded to take real shapes. My Soul is in a state of restlessness as I see so much misery and pain. I cannot stand it and feel like a MAN who is determined like Hercules to save the world from all troubles. So I am Prince or Warrior of My Own Dreams.

Life is too short-lived and we don’t know when out TIME ends, and in this little time we can do lots of Charity and Good Deeds for Humanity. We will be all in a place that gives you some Hope and Success for finding Peace for ourselves and for rest of people around as well. So I am not going to lose my Dreams and to feel Disappointed when I have lots of things to do for me, my country and for whole of Mankind!!

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